Anyone having trouble hearing ‘Lyra’ from the BBC links can now see and hear a fan-made video of the radio broadcast in our YouTube theatre above. Our forum has several threads buzzing with an incredible range of opinions on Kate’s first recorded output since Aerial, so be sure to check it out. In other ‘Lyra’ news, the Oxford Mail has revealed that Kate is paying for the choir who sang on her song to take a trip to see the film. Choir director Bill Ives said: “Ms Bush came along to see the boys because it was her song and she wanted to meet them. She was lovely, very quiet and altogether charming, and the boys were very excited to meet her.” Magdalen School College choir is made up of 16 boys, aged nine to 13, and 12 men, although only the boys sang on Lyra. On top of that, Kate Bush has very kindly offered to pay for them all to go and see the film when it comes out, so we will be taking them for a treat.” The LA Times has reviewed Kate’s new track here. We can confirm that the track’s length on the soundtrack will be 3 minutes 19 seconds (thanks to Reza).