Back in 1994, Kate took part in an exhibition of original artworks by well known people, ‘Little Pieces by Big Stars’ in aid of the War Child charity. There was quite a bit of publicity around the event, organised by Brian Eno and promoted by David Bowie. (In this Youtube clip you can see Bowie showing off Kate’s contribution, and claiming to want them for himself!). The hand made piece consists of two separate frames. Each one is 7 inches X 6 inches X 1.75 inches in size. They are called ‘Someone Lost at Sea Hoping Someone In A Plane Will Find Them‘ and ‘Someone In A Plane Hoping To Find Someone Lost At Sea‘.

David Bowie shows off Kate's artworks on UK TV in 1994
As it turns out, a big fan of Kate’s, Neville Judd, secured the winning bid and is now looking to sell them after keeping them privately for almost 20 years!
Neville describes the two companion pieces: “Each frame is made from a polished wood with gold inlay, and a gold title plate on the front featuring the name. Inside each frame is a black background, made of velvet, in the middle of which is a small red light which flashes quietly away. On the back of each frame is Kate’s KT copyright sign (hand written) with a ’94 beneath, indicating the year she made it. Kate has also signed each frame on the back, in lovely big hand writing, using a gold metallic pen. Each frame has all of this. Inside is a fabulous piece of carpentry and simple electronics.”
Anyone interested in contacting the seller, or making an offer on the pieces can email Neville at (Note that the pieces were bought at auction in 1994 for £1,150, and bids of less than £3,000 won’t be considered).
Here’s more of Neville’s story:
“I have always been a fan, went to seven of the 1979 shows and like most of us, collected (and continue to collect) everything. I have to sell this because I need to help someone pay a bill, it’s as simple as that. I never thought I’d need to sell them (duh!) hence me having sat on them for almost twenty years. They have never been exhibited. There are no other photos of them and no one knew where they were, except for Brian Eno and Anthea Norman- Taylor from the Warchild Charity. I am also a David Bowie fan and over the years have been involved in many Bowie related projects, including the official Bowie biography ‘ Strange Fascination ‘ which I helped with and also have my name in the Index in a tale that David related back in 1993, the year before I went to the Private View for ‘Little Pieces by Big Stars’ at the Flowers East Gallery in Hackney, in the East End. I didn’t have an invite to it but spoke to Kate on her way in and asked her about her contribution. “It is about the Sea and about me too, I guess” was all she would say and I decided there and then to try to buy it.”
“My friends left when Bowie came out but I hung around and eventually David’s Art dealer, Kate Chertavian, let me in. The film director Nick Roeg was looking at ‘ Someone Lost at Sea Hoping Someone In A Plane Will Find Them ‘ when I walked in to the small room. I told him what Kate had said to me earlier in the evening. “In that case one of us needs to buy them”, he said and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at the blinking red light in each picture. I thought about what Kate had said, and I made up my mind to bid for them at The Royal College of Art the following week. And I got them. A few days later, I went around to collect them from the home office of Opal, Brian and Anthea’s office. I later discovered that David Bowie had spoken at the time in both the press and on television about Kate’s two pieces and had suggested that he was going to bid on them himself, and I later asked him about this. He said “I thought they were the most fabulous things and I intended to send in bid but something happened and I never did. Anyway, they should hang in a fans home I reckon.” And that is exactly where they have hung, in secret, for eighteen years. It was my intention to offer them at Christies or possibly on EBAY but if anyone would like to make me a realistic offer then we could absolutely do it that way.”
emil mcmahon
If only I had 3K, I would gladly buy these images, they are just so Kate, everything about them is subtle but packed with meaning.
maybe my lottery numbers will come up this weekend, and if they do, they will be mine!!!!
Alan Izat
What a fabulous story. I’ve always wanted to see these. They are fascinating. I definitely don’t have ANY money to buy anything right now – but as Emil said – if I did, I would!
I hope they go to a nice fan who will hold open viewings. That would be amazing – what about a Kate museum? When will we have hat I wonder?
Good luck to all x
Kate is much better in making music, sorry
A sense of humour is required to appreciate these I think.
I didn’t know about these, I think they’re very clever. I’d like them. I suspect though, knowing that some very well-heeled people from the comicbook, artistic, literary, and music, etc, industries, are big Kate Bush fans, that the price could get silly quite quickly.
that so clever ,..its remind me of the ninth wave ,….and my poem wave after wave ,..
the fear being lost at middle sea ,.. it is very scarred thought,….just like idea being there at night cold water and sharks , doom…. “little light” just like Kate song ….help guide them to her …… and dream of sheep………………………….and yes i think Kate is good artist in her art too… i wish i had the money ,.. to buy it ,…it is very nice peace art work,….:)
For me, this goes some of the way to explain Kate’s masterpiece ‘The Ninth Wave’. She is imaging herself in the water looking up at the darkness, but also up in a plane looking down into the darkness.
Is she lost in the darkness, or seeking someone to save them from the darkness?
I think she wasn’t sure herself in 1994. Thankfully someone came and found her and brought her back.
Del Palmer
I remember these… Better than you could imagine!!….
I suspect, Del, that you may have given a helping hand with the electronics. 🙂 I do recall these being for sale first time around. The War Child charity was always very good at offering creative items to raise funds. I still have an unopened pack of celebrity designed Christmas cards from the 90s (?) that includes one by Kate.
Rinfy The Gypsy
I have an extra 3k. In fact, I have an extra 10k. But I think I’d rather keep my money for other things. Besides, these don’t appear to have been kept in the best possible condition.
Neville Judd
Re the comment above by Rinfy The Gypsy –
Excuse me, but these are exactly, I will repeat that, ” exactly ” as they were the day I collected them from Brian Eno’s “Warchild HQ ” a few days after the event.
I collected them by hand because I did not want to risk them being posted.
They are incredibly delicate and are still working perfectly, which I would hope is testimony in itself to the care that has been lavished upon them.
They were not kept in direct sunlight even, hence the black paint not having faded.
I am not sure what you think someone does when they own something like this.
In my case, they were simply hung on a wall, surrounded by music and love all that time.
You are completely entitled to your opinion though of course.
And by the way, whoever would like to own them will not need anything remotely like the figure you quote. That is why I simply set 3000.00 as a figure. If I was greedy then I would have just put them on EBAY but this site is amazing and I came here with them instead.
I think it’s very generous of you, Neville, and it’s no surprise given that you splashed out initially for such a good cause. They do look marvelous, and it’s a testimony to your love and care that they both still work after 20 years. If I could cancel my humungeously expensive holiday this year, without losing all my dosh, I grab them in a heartbeat because I think they’re a real bargain.
Del palmer
I can confirm all that Neville has said here… Knowing these pieces very well They were hand made!!.. By someone who isn’t a carpenter or picture framer!… In fact I’m amazed that they have survived as they have… Testimony to Neville’s care of them..
Alberto Di Costanzo
I personally think it is a very fine piece of art and I would love to have it but I also know it will never be mine…. I just hope it goes to a true Kate Bush fan who I am sure will treasure it.
Oh how I wish I had 3000 pounds, I adore Kate Bush, but I’m sure they will go to a good home!
I think we need to persuade the British Council or the Heritage Lottery Fund to buy them to stop them leaving the country. Then we persuade the British Council or the HLF to buy 44 Wickham Road and use it as a site to house this and many other Kate-treasures that exist…
No not really. Could you imagine just how much Kate would hate a ‘Kate Bush museum’?
What beautiful treasures! Thank you Neville for sharing these with us. Definitely think of “And Dream of Sheep” with the “little light shining.” Really lovely pieces.
She made these framed pieces of art to coincide with the songs “Hello Earth” and “And Dream of Sheep”.
The song And Dream of Sheep is about a woman lost at sea, her life vest is flashing and the “little light shining, my face is all lit up”. “Every gull a seeking craft” is a reference to the rescue plane searching for the woman in the water. She is trying desperately to stay away and fight the sleepiness that is over coming her from hours of exhaustion. The red flashing light in the framed photos is one for the woman’s life vest safety light, and the other for the red light of the airplane.
In the interviews, Kate speaks of an airplane searching for, and eventually rescuing the woman. Though in the songs she uses the helicopter sounds. You can find the track by track discussion by Kate on Hounds of Love on youtube.
oops “stay awake”* Not stay away.
Rose, as we speak, Kate is adding a hasty codicil to her will: “Absolutely, NO museums or historical sites…”
I know this if off subject…but, can someone explain something for us that don’t live in the British Isles. Is it likely that Kate Bush will be “knighted”? I think her title would be Lady. It seems that so many less well known people have attainted that title..and she’s such a well known and respected figure.
What is the process?
Why hasn’t it happened yet?
Please elaborate.
The equivalent of a Knighthood for a woman is a Damehood. If awarded Kate would be Dame Catherine Bush. The thing with honours is that the Government let you know you’re being considered, and some people choose not to receive them. CS Lewis and Benjamin Zephaniah in their time, for example both refused honours.
We don’t know for sure if Kate has been considered for an honour, although a leak from the relevant committee some years ago indicated that she was. Likewise we just don’t know what Kate’s attitude to that would be.
My own view is that Kate is past the point where an MBE or OBE or even CBE would reflect her status in British music. In view of the others who have been considered for the honour and accepted it, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire would be the most appropriate. This honour has been awarded for example to Julie Andrews, Shirley Bassey, Elizabeth Taylor, Helen Mirren, and Vivien Westwood
Peter…hey thanks..that was interesting…so its “Dame” and not “Lady”…ahhh.
So, you are saying there are 3 different designations as in MBE, OBE, and CBE….and they are designated by a committee? (Again I was wrong..because I assumed that one was lower than the other and you kind of worked your way up).
Why do you say that Kate is past the point where a knighthood would reflect her status? (I figure that such a great honors/honours are usually given past someones prime anyway…you know I thought these awards were like lifetime achievements..and no one would really get one you know until years thats not necessarily so?). I can’t really say how she is seen in the UK…but, she’s really well respected where I live….an an artist of the highest order.
My point was a knighthood – for Kate a Damehood – would now be the right level for her status.
The Order of the British Empire, which is the general order of Chivalry for the reward of merit has these various levels – at the bottom is the newly dusted off British Empire Medal which they give i.e. to long serving children’s road crossing attendants, then there’s the MBE (“member” of the Order) which the Beatles for example were awarded by Prime Minister Harold Wilson back in the 1960s. Next up is OBE (“officer”), then CBE (“commander). The first rank to carry a title is KBE/DBE (“knight” or “dame”) and above that you have the GBEs (Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross) of which they dish out very few.
I would say Kate ought long ago to have been considered for the MBE/OBE, and for all we know may have been. At this point I’d argue nothing less than a DBE would meet it.
Elton John, and Paul McCartney are Knights Bachelor though that knighthood is not part of the Order of the British Empire, but Elton is also a CBE and Paul from way back when is an MBE. Confusing init? Luckily for the women there are no such complications. Women who are thought to be deserving of the damehood get a DBE.
But some people don’t like titles. For them there is always the Order of Merit
Peter, I really have to read up on this. I really think that Kate deserves to be knighted. I appreciate your response! You could have easily referred me to a post in the forum (if one even exists). Of course I don’t know here…but, I do think Kate would accept (I think Elton John would not allow her to decline…LOL).
Again, Thanks!
King Kate of The Dreaming Islands.
Nothing less.
Enter the mind of Kate Bush…..her art as her music (same difference really) is always intense, thought-provoking and humourous. Hope they go to a good home and the money doesn’t get in the way x
Catherine M
I think the two pictures are wonderfully witty and poignant.
As to the comment about them not being in the ‘best of condition’, well, if they were entirely made by Kate herself, I can speak from experience that mitred corners are hard to do, but the idea behind them is wonderful.
I hope they will find a happy home with someone who appreciates them.
Sky Vibes
I’d love these …. writing to you as I write this Neville!
christopher rye
I’ve been referring to Kate as “Dame Kate” for a couple of years now. In fact, my friends now all call her Dame Kate as well. So if the actual Queen hasn’t acknowledged her, then leave it up to the queens to do it for her. 🙂
I must say I’m very tempted by the pictures if they’re still for sale….. *very* tempted indeed. And I could absolutely guarantee they would be loved, cared for and appreciated by a fan and fellow musician.
*Runs off to consult bank balance*
Catherine M
Hi Chris,
I always wanted a classic Victorian rocking horse, not just any old rocking horse, it had to be of a specific ”type”…..I searched for years, and bought several ”lesser” ones to my dream, and then, one day, a friend told me of one at auction….it was all that I wanted in a R/H, [huge, shabby, unrestored, magnificent on huge bow rockers] and the estimate was £2-3k.
At the time I didn’t have the money, but outbid several dealers, and got the horse [much to the seller’s joy, as he didn’t want it to go abroad or to dealers]
Such things will not come by a second time, so grab that special item while you can.
I never regretted for a second spending out on that horse, I love and cherish him, so if you really want these pics, push the boat out!!!
There was a saying I heard once ”you never regret buying, but you regret for ever the thing you didn’t buy”.. [Kate was a ‘heroine’ of mine, and I still think of her as that glamorous 20 yr old, but of course, she will be my age now….;) ]
christopher rye
Hi Catherine
I just wanted to say what a lovely and intriguing message, thank you. I know exactly what you mean. Over the years I’ve occasionally bought an item other than one I really wanted – a guitar, for example, that was similar to one I really wanted but at the time couldn’t afford. The upshot was I never liked the ‘replacement’ guitar. It was a perfectly good guitar, but it lacked the imperfect beauty of the one I always wanted it to be. So now I never buy ‘nearlys’, if you see what I mean. (And of course, nothing related to Dame Kate is a ‘nearly’, so the question does not arise 🙂
Anyway… I believe ‘Sky Vibes’ may have acquired the Kate pictures. (I didn’t see the message above my original posting.) But I will check just in case some mysterious universal force intervened and prevented SV from buying them… such as, you know, a dodgy web connection or a bouncy cheque. 🙂
But if Sky Vibes does now have them, then I’m sure he/she will treasure them and love them. (Perhaps Sky Vibes can let us know??)
Thanks again.
cr x
Catherine M
Hi Chris…
Yes, Guitars….Expensive things, for sure…especially if they are remotely ”vintage”…eg, a Les Paul 1959 Standard in sunburst tigerstripe… [had a partner who was desperate for one of these…in the early 80’s and made do with a Les Paul reissue, which he still has. But I know he would dearly love the mellow appearance of the real thing.
Hope the artworks did go to someone ”non -dealery” and yes, it is best never to buy ”nearly theres”. From what you say, ”imperfect perfection” makes me think it is a vintage guitar you were ideally seeking?;)
“Little light, shining…” What an intriguing story. So sorry he is having to sell them, they are unique and I hope a genuine Kate fan or art fan gets them. xx
Following the release of “The Dreaming” KT apparently told a magazine that her oddest dream was of her alone in a boat drifting at sea. The odd thing being that she didn’t want to be found.
Anyway, I think this artwork resembles Filippenko’s prize winning image of a black hole.