Uncut Magazine have unveiled their new issue (March 2020) today and it’s a Kate Bush cover feature which is “a deep dive into Kate’s early years — accompanied by a Q&A comprising some (mostly) unseen interview material with Kate from 2011, where she talks about her childhood, early success etc.” The article features contributions from early collaborators like Unicorn bassist Pat Martin, Glenys Groves, Duncan McKay, studio engineer Peter Henderson, singer Roy Harper, David Paton, Brian Bath, Vic King and producer Joe Boyd. The piece neatly coincides with 45 years since Kate’s first professional recordings at Air Studios in 1975, following on from her sessions at Dave Gilmour’s house in 1973.
You can order the magazine online here.
From the piece: “ENGLAND’S DREAMING – Forty-five years ago, KATE BUSH made her first professional recordings at AIR Studios. To celebrate this momentous anniversary, Peter Watts digs deep into Bush’s early years to unearth the roots of her enduring, incandescent power. Join us, then, on a phantasmagorical journey from the woolly fringes of Kent to the wild Yorkshire moors and beyond as we learn the untold story of Bush’s magical beginnings. “Her world is built on wonder,” says one collaborator…”
Order the Uncut Kate Bush cover here.
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