From 7pm GMT time this evening, BBC2 television in the UK will be dedicating an entire evening of its schedule to her music and story, to celebrate Kate’s birthday today and indeed her incredible international chart success in Summer 2022!
Starting at 7pm, a programme celebrates Kate’s debut year, 1978, with many Top of the Pops performances from that year, including Wuthering Heights. Other great content includes the previously seen Kate at the BBC, full of wonderful performances 1978-1994, then the great 2014 documentary, The Kate Bush Story, her 1979 BBC TV special and Queens of Song at the BBC!
Ali Rose Clifford
Happy Birthday Kate….you’re just as amazing as you always were ….even better.
Please tour again and release another of your genius albums 🙏 ❤️.
Paul Manning
Its a Special day for Kate Bush, happy birthday to you Kate and many happy returns. Kate is now 64 years of age being born on the 30th July 1958, just 3 years after me. What can I say about Kate that has not already been said by so many? I can say that her rare genre of music has always been in my life, since her “Wuthering Heights” no 1 hit in 1971. I have found her music ethereal and emotional, always bringing tears to my eyes, even to this day its the same. All you have to do is listen to “This woman’s work” and you will feel your heart pulsating as your emotions raise and raise with that surmounting feeling that is hard to describe, but the tears will fall when her voice hits that high note and the music mounts to a crescendo. To me Kate Bush is a phenomenon a kind of mystery woman. Someone I always wanted to meet, someone who has a gift, not just a musical gift, but a gift of helping others to get in touch with themselves and their inner hangups and fears, those demons that haunt the mind. Strange thing is though is that I know Kate is a very private person, so my daydream of ever meeting her was just not realistic. All those years ago Kate had become tired of people making assumptions about her and about her life about the meanings in her music and speculating about her, that can become tiring and a turn off. It makes no wonder that she kind of semi retired from the music scene and just wanted to bring her son up normally, free from the people who wanted IN and to be a part of the mystery that is Kate, so in effect to impinge themselves on her life. I do not claim to know Kate Bush, few wise people would make that claim, but I do know the feelings that her beautiful music inspires in me and always does when I listen to her heavenly voice. Kate Bush is a huge talent, her art form is unique and rare, it makes me wonder if she realises the deep effect her music has on people and their feelings. Kate Bush is and will always be my favorite singer, my all time mystery woman, who I don’t know, I just like to think I know. If you are too young to have heard of Kate Bush, then you are in for a treat when you look up her music and get to understand it, like I have all these years. Kate is of my generation, she is part of my life’s experience, whether she likes it or not. Her art has always been played by me at all times during my life. She has helped me get in touch with myself and my feelings, she is indeed part of my life, how can she not be? Some singers come and go, some burst on the scene with 1 hit and are often never seen of or heard from again, NOT so with Kate! Her music is different, like nothing else around, she is a ONE OFF! There can never be another Kate Bush. Just want to say thank you you Kate, for all the joy and pleasure you have given me all my life because of your art and talent. Thank you Kate for your heavenly Music. I can dream, maybe at 66 years of age I might just get to meet her and say that thank you in person to her, I’d like that. Happy Birthday Kate!