Finally! Yes, of the ten gorgeous new coloured vinyl indie store editions of Kate’s albums this one has taken the longest to perfect and get out there! The Kick Inside on Mango Chutney translucent vinyl is finally being shipped to the US and to fans who ordered it on import elsewhere. Pictured is a beaming fan in France, our friend Jeremy Unruh, who scored the FIRST copy we’ve seen photographed out in the wild! Well done, Jeremy (and well done Jeremy’s husband, our friend Tristan!) – you both now have the full set. Delighted for you guys – enjoy (yes, we’re a little jealous here).
Everything about this is beautiful! I remember when a Kate chat room originally brought Jeremy and Tristan together so this is a beautiful reminder that this thread is still robustly woven into the tapestry of their life together.
Mandy Pratley
Why were none of these available in the UK?
Hi Mandy, all her coloured vinyls are available in the UK and around the world except for The Kick Inside, Lionheart and Never For Ever. These are only available in indie record stores in the US or by ordering as an import online from places like Rough Trade records. This is due to Kate’s existing distribution deal, Warners Music retains distribution rights for her first three albums outside of the US.