Kate’s official Youtube channel was announced today on her official Facebook page. We’ve seen this being put together over the last few months with good quality videos being constantly added – worth checking out here. Kate’s new Twitter profile can be viewed here. The latest tweet heralds the Youtube debut of King of the Mountain in hi-def!
If it is the official yt page why are some of the videos blocked in some countries (copyrights)?
No idea…they should sort that.
It’s officially official! I also noticed some of the vids are blocked.
North Americans and some Germans have problems.
I’m so lucky to see all the videos this time 😀
How lovely! It’s high time, yet also unexpected. This is going to be a very Kate-newsy year.
len bullard
I suppose I can take the KateWorlds off line now. Long time waiting to see all of this.
Hello Len! We were only proofing some of your stuff for the book a few days ago. How are you?
This is so awsome, i am SO excited 😀
John (Chichester)
Kate Bush was mooted to be moving to secluded Brasted Chart in Kent way back in the 1980s – we lived in the middle of woods there at the time (that is before the 1987 hurricane blew much of them away).
Was that possibility ever the case for he?