The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

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Record Collector review the HomeGround Anthology: “Driven by love and passion”.

The June issue (out now!) of Record Collector magazine, the bible for all serious UK record CD and music collectors, contains an enthusiastic review by Jason Draper, of Volume 1 of the the HomeGround Anthology.


Missed out on tickets to see KB at Hammersmith in the autumn? Pick up this weighty tome and you’ll be so immersed in its world you might not even notice she’s there. For the first of two anthologies of dedicated Kate Bush fanzine HomeGround – published simultaneously – the editors have stripped out various articles, think pieces, fan reactions and readers’ letters from throughout the magazine’s history, matching them with a Kate Bush timeline.

Launching in recordcollector1982, HomeGround had the benefit of looking at The Kick Inside with hindsight; seems it shared chart space with Elvis Costello, Blondie and Buzzcocks – yet, neither punk nor prog, it was something unique in the dying years of the 70s. Wuthering Heights may have entranced at least one contributor at the age of 15, but by Hounds Of Love the NME would hail Running Up That Hill as the best single ever recorded by a white British artist. Shame, then, that one fan’s reaction was “complete despair” at hearing “a dance song with a somewhat interesting but monotonous and overbearing drum machine beat”.

That’s this anthology’s masterstroke: with little Kate Bush ISBN 1861714432 Vol 1 Paperback Coverself-editing, the HomeGround team have created a compendium faithful to the original publication. Opinion may vary throughout, but one thing’s for sure: everything written here is driven by love and passion for Kate Bush and her music. Repro illustrations and posters for video-party events capture the fanzine aesthetic, while fan poetry and short stories – though unlikely to vie for your attention in the face of more pertinent diversions such as a brief history of “cloudbuster” Wilhelm Reich – are testament to the ways in which Kate’s music touched her most loyal admirers. It’s every bit as valuable as an in-depth biography because it dares to go deeper into the fan psyche, offering a plethora of insights into this woman’s work.”

Our thanks to Jason and to Record Collector for actually understanding what we set out to do with the HomeGround Anthology, and our thanks for being supportive of the Magazine over the years right back to the 1980s.

The HomeGround Midsummer Party ~ Friday 21st June 2013

On this Midsummer night …


Following the success of last year’s 30th Anniversary HomeGround party, Editors Peter, Dave and Krys are pleased to confirm that there will be another Kate themed party this year.

This year’s event will take place on Friday 21st June ~ the Summer Solstice ~ and will be at the legendary Royal Vauxhall Tavern. The RVT is in Vauxhall, South London, just over the Thames from the West End and is a two minute walk from Vauxhall Underground, main line and bus stations and is two tube stops from the Victoria railway terminus. The RVT is home to award winning club night Duckie as well as the Hot August Fringe Festival and many other top music and cabaret events and performances.


We are very pleased to confirm that the night will feature an exclusive live performance from Kate Bush tribute band Cloudbusting fronted by long time Kate fan and HomeGround reader, Lisa Oliver.

The band will be performing a special set for the HomeGround party and are asking fans to make suggestions for Kate songs they would like to hear on the night, making this a unique event mixing some of Kate’s most well-known songs with fan favourites.

You can email your suggestions to:

The night will also feature DJ sets from Paul Burston, Phil Marriot, HG editor Dave Cross and Paul Thomas.

The RVT is a fantastic venue, celebrating its 150th birthday this year. We are very excited about this party, which will be a great night for Kate fans.

Advance tickets are £8 each available from this pay pal link or the link on the HomeGround page.

There will be tickets on sale on the night for £10.

There will be updates to follow plus more information on Cloudbusting and the DJs.

We are also hoping that this will be the launch party for the HomeGround book, now proceeding to proof, itself taking almost as long to produce as a Kate album!

rvtThe Royal Vauxhall Tavern
372 Kennington Lane,
London SE11 5HY


The HomeGround 30th Birthday Party – Sunday 17th June 2012

The HomeGround 30th Birthday Party will be on Sunday 17th June 2012 from 4 pm until 10 pm at Lo-Profile, 84-86 Wardour Street, London W1F 0TQ.

In 2012 we reach 30 years since we first decided to put out a Kate Bush fanzine and produced the very first copy with scissors and paste and the office photocopier.

We’re feeling the need to celebrate, and The HomeGround 30th birthday party is going to be relaxed and fun, a chance to meet other Kate fans and hear Kate’s music played in a club. This is not a convention with organised events or acts, just a chance to have fun and socialise in a Kate themed environment.

Lo-Profile is situated in the heart of Soho just five minutes walk from Piccadilly Circus Underground Station.

We are happy to confirm that the DJs on the day will be;

Paul Burston. Best selling author, Time Out journalist, promoter of Polari, and DJ. Paul first saw Kate Bush on Saturday morning TV performing Wuthering Heights and fell about laughing. A week later he went out and bought the record and hasn’t looked back since. An author and journalist, he has met many of his musical heroes, but not Kate Bush. He’s not bitter.

Phil Marriot. Phil is the head of music at Gaydar radio and has his own evening show on the station he is also a resident at XXL and has played at many top venues such as the RVT and Area and is one of London’s most respected DJs. He is a life long Kate Fan.

Dave Cross. Yes the HomeGround editor is also a DJ and has played at many top clubs including G-A-Y, Heaven and Fire.

Tickets for the party are just £6.00 each and can be ordered via the PayPal buttons at the top and bottom of the HomeGround Page.

Once your payment has been received you will get an email confirmation from us. This will be your ticket and you need to bring it with you to gain access to the party.

See you all there!

Dave Krys Peter

HomeGround 30th Birthday Party!

This year – 2012 – is the 30th anniversary of HomeGround magazine, the world’s longest published Kate Bush magazine and it will also see the long awaited publication of the Homeground Anthology book. To celebrate these two events we are going to organise a party as both a birthday and a book launch. 

It will almost certainly be on a Sunday late afternoon/evening in early June and at a Central London location. Please note that this will not be an official Kate event or convention, it’s a fan gathering to celebrate that we are still alive! We can promise lots of like minded people and lots of Kate music, there may even be cake! We will sell tickets through the website and will try to keep the cost as low as possible and will confirm details ASAP.

We are currently looking at venues and it would really help us to know a rough idea of how many people are interested, so please just leave a comment or send us a message. We would love to see as many of you as possible!

Dave, Krys and Peter



Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and here’s looking forward to a wonderful 2012! This has been without question one of the most extraordinary and exciting years ever to be a Kate Bush fan, we’re so proud of her and thrilled for the success she’s enjoyed in 2011. Thank you Kate for these sublime new recordings.

As a special way to celebrate, below you’ll find a link to Dave’s story from Issue 79 of Homeground, which is out now (a few copies *are* left, click HERE to order)… and we thought it would be a nice Christmas treat for everyone who hasn’t seen the actual magazine.

Merry Christmas to everyone from

Seán, Peter, Krys and Dave. xxxx

A Christmas Story for you all….

The Homeground Christmas story has been a tradition over the past 30 years – at least in our minds –  and I have wanted to do a Doctor Who/Kate crossover tale for a while… So this story doesn’t actually mention either Homeground or Christmas but it is something fun for the festive period. It was inspired by the recent series of Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures and of course an important moment in Kate’s own time and space continuum. Special thanks to Collin Kelly, who did some lovely tweaking for me and I’d like to dedicate it to the memory of the wonderful and much missed actress Elisabeth Sladen.


Click here to read “Whatever Happened to Catherine Bush?”

HomeGround magazine back issues – Update Christmas 2011

From the reaction we’ve had (and very many thanks for that!) to issue 79, the final print issue of HomeGround magazine, some readers may want to make up missing issues in their HomeGround collection.

The best place to get back issues of HomeGround magazine is from HomeGround! Don’t pay inflated prices when issues turn up for auction on eBay!

We’ve now done the most exhaustive stock check we’ve done for some considerable while (in the far reaches of the attic at HomeGround Towers) and we’ve set out some back issue offers on the HomeGround page HERE.

The easiest way to place an order for backnumbers is to use the PayPal back issue buttons on the HomeGround page where you can pay by PayPal or by credit or debit card.

The HomeGround page also has details of back issue contents, so when  you’ve made your payment, email us to let us know which issues you would like.

Final print edition of HomeGround! Order your copy now!

HomeGround 79Issue 79 of HomeGround – The Kate Bush Magazine is going to print this coming weekend. From Homeground: “This is the final printed magazine but HomeGround will continue via the website. Please pre-order your magazine no later than 2nd December – this is essential so that we order enough copies from our printer. The magazine is looking lovely, it is almost finished. We hope you will enjoy it.” Don’t miss the final print edition of this extraordinary magazine – going strong since 1982. It will of course bring you news and reviews of 50 Words For Snow and Director’s Cut.

UK – order Issue 79 – £6.50

Europe – order Issue 79 – £7.50

North America and elsewhere – order Issue 79 – £8.50

HomeGround 79 now due for December

After all the excitement of this year issue 79 of HomeGround, the last print issue, is now scheduled to be published in December after the release of 50 Words for Snowhg79

We want to carry views on the new album, on Wildman as a single, and also on Directors Cut.

The material from issue 79 will form the final section in the HomeGround book, which will be out in the new year.

We’d welcome short reviews of Director’s Cut and 50 Words for Snow, and letters for publication about anything Katewise.

The email address for submissions is

Congratulations Guy!

Guy Pearce

Last night at the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, long-time supporter and reader of HomeGround, Guy Pearce, won an Emmy award for Best Supporting Actor in the TV mini-series, Mildred Pierce. Guy acted opposite Kate Winslet, who also won an Emmy last night for her role as the title character in Mildred Pierce. Well done to Guy from everyone at HomeGround and!

Peter, Krys, Dave and Seán.

HomeGround book and mag latest

Homeground logo

The completed sections of the HomeGround Anthology have now been sent to the publisher. These take the story to 2006 and at present comprise 1132 pages. We will now be in discussion as to how this material is presented and whether there will be two volumes.

We are now working on the two final sections of the book. The first bridges the gap between Aerial and Directors Cut, and the final section which will cover Directors Cut and anything else which happens this year. These will use material which appeared in HomeGround issue 78, and material which will be in issue 79.

We are now beginning to put together issue 79 and welcome any letters or contributions, especially regarding Directors Cut, and any ads or personal messages. As ever it’s already looking like our problem will be what to leave out!

Happy 29th birthday to HomeGround Magazine!

“Hello there…this is ‘Homeground’, the first serious attempt at a Kate Bush fanzine…” Almost 30 years ago, Dave Cross wrote these words in the very first issue of HomeGround. It was on the 18th May 1982 that Dave first said to Peter; “why don’t we do a Kate Bush fanzine?” and the rest is history. Almost 80 lovingly crafted issues later, the HomeGround team are now here online, working with me to bring you this news coverage of yet another new Kate Bush album (when they launched they were gearing up for the release of The Dreaming) and also looking forward to the publication of the extraordinary upcoming HomeGround Anthology book. Warm birthday wishes to Dave, Peter and Krys. Thanks for providing us with such an essential, respectful, authoritative and fun magazine all these years, and thanks for being brilliant friends. The countdown begins for the 30 year celebrations in 2012!  ~ Seán

Filming the Experiment IV video in 1986 – Peter, Kate, Krys and Dave

BBC Radio Bristol chat to Dave and Seán about Kate!

Well, the excitement generated by yesterday’s truly special John Wilson interview with Kate (longer version here) has continued today with BBC Radio Bristol devoting a sizeable portion of their Afternoon Show with Anna King to Kate. As well as replaying parts of the Front Row interview, Anna chatted live to Dave Cross (of HomeGround Magazine) and to myself! If you want to hear what we had to say, the programme is now archived by the BBC here. (our bits are between 25mins 30secs and 35mins 30secs into the stream).

HomeGround issue 79

Now that the first draft of the book is finished we have moved on to make a start on the much delayed issued 79 of HomeGround. We expect this now to be published in the Autumn.

As ever we would welcome any contributions for the issue, and also any adverts: wanted, for sale, pen pals, personal messages – you know the kind of thing we’ve always run. As ever, all ads are free.

For those who want to pre-order issue 79, we’re hoping to organise Pay Pal buttons on the HomeGround page (see menu above).

As previously posted, issue 79 will be the last print magazine, and from issue 80 onwards we will move to a downloadable PDF format. We won’t therefore be taking any more subscriptions, but because we want to continue with the email HomeGround Update when there is cleared and accurate news, we will be taking free registrations.


On the HomeGround page there are now Pay-Pal buttons to pre-order issue 79, order the last issue 78 with the Del Palmer Aerial interview, and to order HomeGround back issues.

The HomeGround Book – glimpse of the Cover Art

Work on the HomeGround anthology is still ongoing, though we are near the end of the first working draft (I’m currently working on the final part of the “Five Years Ago”/News/etc chronology for 2005-2008).

Here is a glimpse of ideas for the front and back covers using the beautiful artwork done for us by Steven Brown. Still to settle exact design/typeface and lay out, but it will be something like this:

The idea is that the anthology is “bookended” between Wuthering Heights and Aerial:

We are enourmously grateful to Steven, who took time out of his busy schedule to create these beautiful images for us.

The HomeGround logo reimagined

For the HomeGround book we asked major fantasy artist Peter Pracownik to reimagine the HomeGround logo in his inimitable style:

This therefore is the image which will adorn the title and section pages

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