The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

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Category: Official announcements

Kate Sends Christmas Message To Her Fans – Album Set For 2005

Kate has sent out the following seasonal message to her fans via the Kate Bush Club (yes, it still exists!) With thanks to Steve and Melisande on the site’s forum. Special thanks as always to the lovely Lisa Bradley of the KBC for still being there for us and for Kate!

Hello Everyone, Many thanks for all your great letters of support and encouragement – they mean such a lot. The album is nearly finished now and will be out next year – we’ll let you know when. It features some beautiful orchestral movements by Michael Kamen – we had a wonderful day together at Abbey Road Studios last winter. I’m so pleased with everyone’s work on this record. There are some lovely performances and I hope you will all feel it’s been worth the wait. Bertie keeps me very busy, he is so much fun and we are all really looking forward to Christmas. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and I hope next year is a really happy one for you. Lots of love, Kate x

Kate’s Christmas Message To Her Fans

Here’s Kate’s recent letter to the members of the Kate Bush Fan Club:

“It’s been a while since I was last in touch with you all. Thank you for your cards & letters of congratulations on the Q award I received recently. It was a great honour to receive the award and I found the audience’s response quite overwhelming. Things have been really hectic and I so appreciate all your feedback and encouragement. Sometimes the progress of the album is painfully slow but I find I get so busy being a Mum – however, I think the work is going well. I get so little time in the studio that my approach is very different, I’ll be really interested to see what you all think when it’s finished. Bertie is very excited about Christmas this year. I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Lots of love,
Kate xx”

For details on how to receive these updates from the KBC please read the FAQ.

A Message from Kate….

The following is a special announcement from Kate made this morning to her fans and friends through the Kate Bush Club:

Kate Bush Club, PO Box 120, Welling, Kent DA16 3DS

July 2000

Hello everyone,

Here is a press statement I have issued and I wanted you to see it….

“A number of inaccurate comments have been made about me in recent articles which I am taking further. I just want everyone to know I am very happy and proud to have such a beautiful son, Bertie – he is absolutely gorgeous. Far from being secretive, I am just trying to be a good protective mother and give him as normal a childhood as possible whilst preserving his privacy – surely everyone can understand that. I am having great fun being a Mum as well as working on a new album”

I hope you will understand how invaluable it has been to me to have a very fulfilling and normal start to motherhood and I felt unable to tell you about Bertie previously for reasons already explained. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He is my joy and I’m very happy and very busy being a Mum. I am finding time to write for the new album and very pleased so far.

Thanks again for your lovely letters and kind wishes. I hope you will be happy for me.

Lots of love,

Kate XX

“Just another silly rumour”

Those of you in the UK may have seen the following “news” in The Sun tabloid newpaper: “Kate Bush has amazingly scrapped the concept album she has been working on for five years to start a career writing plays.” More than a few people got very confused by this “report” especially as it was also mentioned on BBC Radio 1. Robin Taylor has however received word from the Kate Bush Club in the form of a note from Lisa Bradley, Kate’s friend who does such a great job running the club. Says Lisa: “Don’t worry, just another silly rumour.” (big thanks to Robin for this).

Paddy Bush documentary. Kate: “busy”!

Paddy BushThe August 1998 Kate Bush Club leaflet has been mailed to fans. The KBC had the following to say:

“Contrary to the usual Chinese whispers type rumours whizzing around the internet and press, there is no imminent release date for an album….Kate has been busy, but not inspecting venues, buying up property or filming in the London Underground as other sources have said!”

Kate’s brother Paddy Bush‘s Madagascar documentary by Celia Lowenstein, “Like A God When He Plays” is now scheduled for Sunday 30th August at 8pm on Channel 4 in the UK.

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