The Dutch Kate Bush
From the press release: It’s very hard to believe, but Kate Bush has only ever undertaken one tour in her entire career – in 1979. Greeted with ecstatic crowds and rapturous reviews, the music press fell in love with this utterly unique performer. This tribute to Kate Bush FINALLY gives the world a second chance to experience some of the on-stage magic, mystery and beauty of one of the most unparalleled and unique artists of the past decades. WOW-ing crowds across Europe, the talented singer Maaike Breijman brings you, accompanied by a FULL LIVE BAND, a beautiful combination of SONG and DANCE in a two hour performance that drags you into the magical world of music in this one-of-a-kind tribute to Kate Bush, that brings the songs of Kate to life. WUTHERING HEIGHTS, THE MAN WITH THE CHILD IN HIS EYES, ARMY DREAMERS, RUNNING UP THAT HILL, BABOOSHKA, WOW…just some of the mesmerising classics featured. Nothing matches the energetic commitment and sheer artistry this show brings to re-creating Kate’s intoxicating stage presence. |